Malats Sheet Music and Biography

Joaquin Malats (born 5 March 1872) was a famous composer and skilled pianist from Barcelona.
We have a selection of arrangements of Joaquin Malat’s Serenata Espanola sheet music on our site for you to try.
Early Life
Joaquin Malats studied with Juajn Bautisa Pujol at the Conservatori Municipal de Musica de Barcelona. Following this, he went on to the Paris Conservatoire to further his studies. During this period he was a very successful student winning the first prize for piano at the Conservatoire and the Diémer prize in 1903. This award was named after Louis Diémer, the French pianist, who was an early supporter of keyboard music.
Malats was one of the first artists to perform Isaac Albeniz’s Iberia. In a letter dated 1907 Albéniz wrote “I am writing Iberia… essentially because of you and for you”. Furthermore, The Music Museum of Barcelona contains newspaper articles and preserved correspondence with Isaac Albeniz along with a photographic collection of portraits of Malats.
Malats toured and performed successfully throughout Spain, Portugal, and France.
His most well-known pieces are ‘Impressions of Spain’ which he wrote for a large orchestra, and the salon piece ‘Serenata Espanola‘, a trio for piano, violin and cello.
Sadly he died of tuberculosis on 22 October 1912 at the early age of forty.
Malats Sheet Music Downloads and Further Reading
On music-scores.come we have over twenty arrangements of Malats sheet music featuring various instrumental versions of his Serenata Espanola from Impresiones de Espana all in PDF format.
There is little information on Joaquin Malats, however, brief bios are available on Wikipedia and Naxos.